Category Archives: Animals

What Is Catnip?


By: Big Cat Rescue

Originally published on Feb 23, 2016

What is catnip exactly, and how does it affect cats? Learn about what attracts cats to catnip, and what to expect giving your cats catnip.

BIG CAT TV is a close look into our day-to-day operations, the conservation efforts we support, and the 100+ feline residents of “Big Cat Rescue” in Tampa, FL. USA. Big Cat Rescue is an educational non-breeding sanctuary and a registered non-profit 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible!

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Lets feed a Bee


By: Bayer CropScience LP

Originally Published on Mar 18, 2016

Watch the video to learn about Feed a Bee! Bees and pollinators need to eat. With your help, we have set out to plant more seeds to create forage for pollinators around the U.S. It is easy to help! Each time you use the the hashtag #FeedABee with ?, Bayer will plant wildflowers to feed a bee. Help us feed a bee today!

More Information at the following website:

One Year of Earth Is Blue


By: NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Originally Published on Oct 23, 2015

As NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan says, “No matter what you see out your living room window or off of your back porch, you are first and foremost a citizen of the planet – and a citizen of an ocean planet.” With that in mind, a year ago today we launched #EarthIsBlue to bring you incredible images and videos of America’s underwater treasures. Watch our video to learn why we’ve been sharing these images and how you can help us keep this blue planet vibrant!

For more info click here>

Butterfly in epic slow motion – Slo Mo #22 – Earth Unplugged


By:  BBC Earth Unplugged

Originally published on Jul 11, 2013

Why do butterflies flutter? Nic and Si reveal exactly what’s happening during the flight of these beautiful creatures with the help of a super slow motion camera.

Check out how butterflies are inspiring flying robots here:…

And to discover more on the science behind their complex flight click here:……

Original and stunning high definition slow motion footage of animals and their actions. Brought to you by our very own team members; butterfly admirer Nic and camera geek Simon.

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This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.


Amazing Time-Lapse: Bees Hatch Before Your Eyes


By: National Geographic

Originally Published on May 20, 2015

Witness the eerily beautiful growth of larvae into bees in this mesmerizing time-lapse video from photographer Anand Varma. Varma said the six-month project, for which he built a beehive in his workshop, gave him a new respect for the meticulous job of beekeeping.

Click here to read the behind the scene’s story of exactly how photographer Anand Varma made this amazing time-lapse:…


What is Earth Day? The History


By: Rob Nelson Films

Originally Published on Apr 22, 2012

Once a year a holiday known as Earth Day rolls around. For those of us that are in school, it’s a time to plant trees, start recycling programs and do other “earthy” things. But what does that mean? It seems that most people treat Earth Day day a bit like Valentines day or Saint Patricks day. Its simply an event on the calendar that doesn’t seem to have a lot of meaning anymore. In fact, the role Earth Day plays has changed since it was first concieved. But to understand that we need some history

For more info go to:…