Stop littering, Start Recycling

Wow this tree is absolutely beautiful! The green leaves are all bright and showing!
Trees with litter hanging all over them don’t look as beautiful right?
If you don’t want all of our trees to start looking like this, don’t litter. Instead of littering and causing damage to beautiful trees like this you can start recycling. Recycling is a good option if you want to continue using plastic but help the environment. Although the best option would be to stop using plastic bags such as the grocery store plastic bags and use reusable bags that last you longer and are even better for the planet.
According to the United States has a recycling rate of about 9% since 2012. Europe has 30% and China has 25%. We are missing the point. The point is that we only have one home, no it’s not the house we live in. It is Earth. We are obviously not doing our part to better the planet, we are doing things to worsen it, such as littering and using plastic materials that harm it. To make up for this the least all of us can do is recycle as much as we can in every area we can. We should also be spreading the word and stating the facts about the impacts of not recycling.
One sad but indeed true fact is that about 100,000 marine creatures die from plastic a year, these are only the ones found, and about 1 million sea birds also sadly pass away from plastic. These facts are from This goes to show that not everyone is recycling, and many many people are still littering because they don’t realize the harm they cause.One example of this is ,our beloved sea turtles mistake the plastic bags for jellyfish, their main source of food, and accidentally consume it. As a result of this, well you can imagine what happens to them.
One person being lazy or perhaps deciding not to recycle can contribute to these animal’s deaths. It can also contribute to the world losing its beauty because of litter and trash in the sea and pretty much everywhere around us.
Believe me, an 11–year –old –girl who has already started to recycle because she has realized that we have got it ALL wrong. Do your only home a favor and start recycling today, right now, at this instant, mother earth will thank you.